Make Up For Yesterdays Blog I Missed

In class today, we reviewed the notes we took in previous classes that would prepare us for the upcoming test tomorrow. To start off the class we said a prayer. After that we took out our notebooks and flipped to our note-taking pages that had written information on them. We discussed first about socrates and his historical death. We then acted as the teacher in the room and asked our fellow classmates questions about the previously taught lesson. During this class, Mr. Schick allowed us to ask questions and review for the whole hour. This really helped me be able to use my prior knowledge on socrates and on the message to Garcia. We also talked about hurricane Irma and how it impacted our environments and the community as a whole. Also we talked about how millions of people were willing to donate over 30 million dollars to help repair and reconstruct the damage that has been dealt to the states.


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