Class Today

Today during class in human geo with Mr. Schick, we had a much different way of doing things. We sadly did not say our prayer (at least that I wasn't there for) Also, I directly went to my locker at the beginning of class in order to grab my notebook and a pencil. I needed these because in human geo today we took some notes on multiple topics. The main thing that happened in class was when we got our tests back. He said, " if I ding the bell twice, then you got a  95 or above. If I ding it once, then yo u got a 90-94.99. But if you don't get a bell rung, then you got below a 90." I was one of the last kids to get my test back because of alphabetical order. He called my name and exclaimed, "Ryan". I heard no bell be rung and I was so nervous to get up and go get my test because of the fact that everyone was staring at me and I was the center of attention. It turns out that I had got a 76 percent. that is not a good grade but hey, it doesn't drop me that much.


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