
Showing posts from January, 2018


Today in western civilization we had a pop quiz. I was so confused on the mapping portion because the map that I studied on his blog didn't have some of the seas that were on the test. The Adriatic Sea wasn't in view of the map that I studied. I didn't do incredible on it because of this. The quiz was very hard in my opinion not because of the questions, but because of the map I was given to study before hand. Other then the quiz, we talked today in class mostly about the way that people voted in Greece and the ways that Cleisthenes ran the government

Cleisthenes and Isagoras

Today in human geography class with Mr. Schick we learned about the historic events in Greece when Isagoras and Cleisthenes were at uneven terms. The two leader has many hardships and they were following up the banishment of Hippias. The two political figures had various views.  Isagoras was the horrible tyrant whom everyone disliked. Cleisthenes was the political leader who was loved by everyone and was the favorite to be picked. For no apparent reason, Cleisthenes was not picked in the end and ended up getting ostracized by Isagoras out of Athens. Later on, Isagoras was revolted against and was thrown out of office by the citizens of Greece, he was then ostracized for good when Cleisthenes was later elected into office.


Today in western civilization class with Mr. Schick we learned a lot about the Greek man himself Homer. In his class we went over multiple powerpoint slides and took various amounts of notes in different categories. For example, we learned about how Homer was blind and very old when he supposedly "wrote" his two famous books The Odyssey and The Iliad. We learned that The Odyssey is a book about the journey of Odysseus back towards his home and his family after fighting in the Trojan War. The gods praised him very highly for his heroic efforts and gave him a lot of respect. Then the god Poseidon claimed how everyone was overthinking his real worth and that if he himself put Odysseus to the test, he would crumble under pressure and act as a coward. He did not however, Odysseus persevered after ten long and rough years of challenges and made his way back to home!

More Notes

Today in Western Civilization class with Mr. Schick we were able to recite our routine prayer and also take notes in out "indestructible" notebooks so then we could further learn about the lesson on Ancient Greece. I was very surprised to see that almost all of the kids were finally listening to him and taking notes, what a miracle am I right! But anyways, the lesson we learned about today involved a couple of different important aspects. For example, we learned about how the Dark Ages spanned from 1150 to 1750 BCE.


In human geography today I took aloooooot of notes. The notes I took came straight out of the book from pages 118-126. The notes took were about the topic of classical Greece.  Most of my notes I have taken so far revolve around the main topic of Greece's geographical state. the notes I took were about The Sea. I took many bulletin based notes in my notebook, talking about things that range from their economy to their geographical environment. The Greeks had to adapt to their geographical environment while living in a sea shaped place. Thus meaning that after many years of living in Greece, the people started to adapt to their environment and become skilled sailors, traveling around very comfortably in their little wooden boats(this is an estimation based on the limited metals Greece had in their economy).

first day of the new quarter

Today in human geography class we were able to show the "new comers" how to set up a blog. Today was the first day that we had western civilization class. it was very fun and relaxing because mr schick let us do other work in our other classes. I like my seat very much ad I hope he does not change it. There is a very amusing and enthusiastic atmosphere I his classroom, making it more environmentally friendly for all present. He has done a very good job in all honesty. Ill give credit to Mr. Fendryk as well, making his kids very cooperative and humble and respecting of the teacher.

class is back in session

WHAAAAAT IS UP LADIES AND GENTLEPEOPLE AND WELCOME BACK TO MY BLOG! LONG TIME NO SEE(HAHA I KNOW YOU LIKE THAT CLICHE SAYING MR. SCHICK)Well on a serious note I haven't blogged in about 4 to 5 days, this happened due to the unfortunate weather patterns and schedule changes. I am back now and I am back to talk to you about the things we learned about in class today. For the whole class period we discussed and talked about the world laters that were on out world leaders assignment that we turned in of a project grade. We learned about how terrible the leader of Israel is. In this certain case, the nutshelll was simply just absurd, bombing innocent hospitals so he can shake off his terrible mojo of things

What a G

Today in Human geography class with Mr. Schick we were having a lot of fun in the beginning of the class! I HANDED OUT MINTS TO LITERALLY EVERYONE IN THE ROOM! IT WAS FRIGIN AWESOME. I LOVED DOING IT AND WILL BUT MILLIONS OF MINTS FOR THE WHOLE SCHOO..(nah I'm joking). We then watched a video on the nations of the world and let me just say there is a load of different nations across the world! In the class, we also were given The instructions to a project that we were just assigned today.


SO TODAY, WE WERE LEARNING ALL ABOUT THE STATE AND NATION CONCEPTS. THE THING WAS THOUGH THAT IT WAS INCREDIBLY COLD IN THE ROOM!!! I LOOKED AND IT WAS ONLY 57 DEGREES F. HE FORGOT TO HEAT THE ROOM THE HOURS PRIOR TO THAT WHICH MADE IT SO COLD. IT WAS LITERALLY LIKE I WAS SITTING OUTSIDE. IN ALL HONESTY, I THINK THAT HE NEEDS TO GET A DANG HEATER FOR HIS LITTLE ROOM ON THE BOTTOM FLOOR OF THE SCHOOL! At jc, the teaching staff are just simply just incredible but cmon like the board needs to just step up and provide more comfort and warmth for the students. we pay a lot of money to go to a school that can't remodel the locker rooms and can't even get a sink to turn on on a consistent basis!