
Showing posts from September, 2017


Today during human geo class we did a lot of note taking. We took notes for the whole class period, yet it flew by so quickly it had felt like I was in there for only 15 minutes. We started off by talking about site and situation. This was the main topic of the class he claimed but we did not refer to the word that much at all throughout the class period. We defined the site as the physical character of a place. We then legitimately just stopped talking about it for the rest of the class period. The next topic we covered was climate. We ended up discussing climate for a good 10 minutes of the 4 minute class period, which I found rather strange considering the "site" topic was the main idea. From there on out we disced miniature topics that didn't mean much to the lessons he was teaching us at the time.

North Korea

Today during class for the first twenty or so minutes Mr. Schick let s screw around and do our own thing. I played some math games online for the first ten minutes and then following that I went up to my locker to organize a homecoming poster that I was using right after the dismissal bell. and so after the twenty minutes of free time, Schick started to talk to us about the president of the USA and the areas that aren't researched a lot on around the country. For example, Emmanuel in our class Is from Kenya and so when Mr. Schick asked him about the names of the areas around Africa, he was pretty rapid and knew what he was talking about. We then talked about the recent news about North Korea and on the players kneeing during the football games that had just taken place over the past weekend.

Todays Class

Today in human geo class, we were able to discuss a few lessons and topics. We first discussed and went over the maps that we were supposed to make for homework. I sadly left my map at home last night and I forgot to grab it before coming into school this morning. Mr. Schick allowed me to turn it in on Monday for partial credit however because he is one of the best teachers in history. When we went over the maps, everyone raised up their maps and we critiqued how good they looked. We then talked about how different communities around our area are shaped much differently. I live in a town house community and Mr. Schick lives in a place where he and his neighbors are separated by large portions of owned land. This blog did not send to you because during class I talked to you about it and the website was continually crashing when I tried to send you the blog

Class Today

Today during class in human geo with Mr. Schick, we had a much different way of doing things. We sadly did not say our prayer (at least that I wasn't there for) Also, I directly went to my locker at the beginning of class in order to grab my notebook and a pencil. I needed these because in human geo today we took some notes on multiple topics. The main thing that happened in class was when we got our tests back. He said, " if I ding the bell twice, then you got a  95 or above. If I ding it once, then yo u got a 90-94.99. But if you don't get a bell rung, then you got below a 90." I was one of the last kids to get my test back because of alphabetical order. He called my name and exclaimed, "Ryan". I heard no bell be rung and I was so nervous to get up and go get my test because of the fact that everyone was staring at me and I was the center of attention. It turns out that I had got a 76 percent. that is not a good grade but hey, it doesn't drop me that m...

"Off Mod" Human Geo Class

Today in Mr. Schick's class all we did was use the class period to do homework and study. He explained at the beginning of the class how he needed to use the whole period to grade papers and to let the kids who were absent for the test to finish it. I started the class period by going to my locker and grabbing my math textbook so I could get my math homework finished. I worked on it for around a half hour, then I finished the class by writing this blog. The two absent people finished their tests and were satisfied on how they did on them(YAY!)


Today in class what we did was very unique and a different approach of being taught a lesson by your teacher. I say this because Mr. Schick allowed us to copy the notes we feel we have to copy. In other words, Mr. Schick gives us th ability to write down whatever we feel will help us to use as a reference in the future. The main topic that we Took notes on today was about regions and what kinds of regions there are across the world. Then after that we were given a work sheet that had a world map with numbers on some of the various regions that Mr. Schick wanted us to label and identify. Also today we talked about some of the athletic games occurring over the weekend and how well we think our teams are going to do. I forgot my phone today in class, luckily I remembered before school ended and I came to reclaim it!


Today in human geography class with Mr. Schick, we ended up taking out first test of this semester and in his class. I had very mixed emotions coming into todays test. I thought to myself at times, "I am going to ace this thing and am going to have a very good grade in his class". The other part of me however was. " Im going to flunk this test and I know it, Im so stupid, why didnt I study". When I walked into his classroom today, I shook my friends' hands and had conversations until Mr. Schick walked into the room. As usual to start off the class, we had a prayer. But he made us say a special prayer that he uses on test/quiz days only. This unique prayer sadly, didnt make me feel any more confident. Once I took my test(I was the last person in the room to hand it in), I felt very worried that I had ended up failing it miserably.

Make Up For Yesterdays Blog I Missed

In class today, we reviewed the notes we took in previous classes that would prepare us for the upcoming test tomorrow. To start off the class we said a prayer. After that we took out our notebooks and flipped to our note-taking pages that had written information on them. We discussed first about socrates and his historical death. We then acted as the teacher in the room and asked our fellow classmates questions about the previously taught lesson. During this class, Mr. Schick allowed us to ask questions and review for the whole hour. This really helped me be able to use my prior knowledge on socrates and on the message to Garcia. We also talked about hurricane Irma and how it impacted our environments and the community as a whole. Also we talked about how millions of people were willing to donate over 30 million dollars to help repair and reconstruct the damage that has been dealt to the states.

Learning New Vocabulary Words

The first thing that we did in class today was we pulled out our text books and our notebooks because Mr. Schick told us that we would need them for today's class. We need them to write notes that we would research about later on during that class period. Basically, during the class period we were required to research the meaning of Greek words. Some of the words were "polis" and "agora" and "Socrates" (ect). We were using our computers and looking up these vocabulary words and trying to find the truth meaning of them. Once we found the meaning, then we had to open up our human geography textbooks and write down the definitions that we were able to find through our available resources. We could use any resource that we wanted to use in order to get ahold of this information. This was a very fun assignment to do today in class today because we were able to have funny conversations with Mr. Schick and we were able to look up and be informed on new inform...

How I Will Achieve a Successful Year At John Carroll.

The first way that I will be able to ensure I will be successful this school year is that I will avoid drama as much as possible. For example what I will do is that I will avoid all sorts of social media conversations surrounding John carroll and will try my best not to get caught up in the wrong crowd. Another way I will be able to succeed is if I make my school work my main priority above all other things(which include drama and parties) . By this I mean that if I don't take my grades seriously I will not be able to keep up with sports or with the flow of the school. Another reason that I will be able to succeed at this school is I will find friends that appreciate me for who I am without me having to change myself just for them in particular. For example, I am not going to change who I am just b=to be able to hang with the 'cool kids". The friends I make here I will be sure to care and respect me for who I am. Another reason is that at John Carroll God is a big influenc...

Interpretation of a Message to Garcia

After reading the short passage "A Message To Garcia", I can interpret that the main ideas of the passage which was written over 100 years ago still perfectly relate to how it is today in modern day society. In the passage the narrator argues how people back in Cuba over 100 years ago were lazy and didn't want to get their work done and they didn't go the extra mile to get things accomplished and how they didn't take risks and always had an excuse or a reason to not get the job done. This perfectly relates to how most people in modern day society are incompetent and unwilling. In the text when the narrator made the inference of how if a boss had asked his worker to take the message to Garcia they would ask multiple questions and try their best to get out of having to take on and accomplish this assignment given to them or to pass it on to someone else in a very unwilling way. Then their is the real workers like Rowan that without complaint will take on the assignm...