

Today in western civilization we kinda took a test. I say kinda because in the class we decided to take a test on Martin Luther but it wasn't graded. I did pretty well on it, I really wish that it was graded! before we did that, we reviewed the test that I so badly failed. When we reviewed I took notes on the answers that I got wrong and simply just put the right answer on the side of the paper so I could review and quiz myself later.


Today in western civilization class with Mr. Schick we had a little bit of a debate. The main topic of this debate, whether or not we shall have a test today! Many people said "No, I don't want to have a test. I didn't study"! Mr Schick let us off pretty easy today, and we didn't have to take a test! It was a very good day from there on out, or at least I would say! Once he cancelled the test, he assigned us to complete reading questions that were found in the big old book. That wasn't fun either, but it gave us all an easy ten points towards our grade.

Martin Luther

Today in western civilization class with mr. schick we talked about Martin Luther. Martin Luther was a very smart man and his dad made him go through law school, which were pretty sure he was not in agreement with, but he did it anyway. One day on his way back home, Martin's horse chariot was struck by a lightning bolt. Luther thought he was dying, so he made a plea to God that he will forever worship him if he helps keep Luther alive. Shortly after this spectacle, Luther became a monk and devoted his life to worshipping the Gods.

The Renaissance

Today in western civilization class with mr schick we learned all about the renaissance. The Renaissance was started in Italy. It was started in Italy because i ndependent  city states  such as Florence, Venice, and Rome grew wealthy through trade and banking creating a class of affluent businessmen.  The Renaissance was a time of great beauty and art. Artists like  Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo created greats works of art during this time. Writers like   William Shakespeare  were producing their own masterpieces.  The word ‘renaissance’ is a French word which means ‘rebirth’. The people credited with beginning the Renaissance were trying to recreate the classical models of  Ancient Greek   and   Rome . 

The Renaissance

Today in western civilization class we were learning about the Renaissance. We learned that many major artist were sponsored by a wealthy woman named Isabella de-este. She was a very, very wealthy woman who would invest her own money into a famous artist's paintings. These artists include people such as michaelangelo, Leonardo davinci, and many others.


Today in western civilization we learned about the Franks, Clovis, and a whole lot more. In this class we were able to discuss how present day France got its name because of the Franks back in the Medieval Period. Another thing we talked about was how Clovis and the Church were partners with one another.In this unit I did very poor but I will end up studying a lot for the next unit!


I was absent from school while in Florida for the following days. Friday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr Schick told me that I could write a short blog explaining my case and I will get full credit for the blogs during the days that I missed.